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B.G. Guliev, B.K. Komyakov, R.R. Bolokotov
Comparative analysis of robot-assisted and open radical cystectomy with orthotopic urinary diversion
№4 / 2022
B.K. Komyakov, A.V. Sergeev, V.A. Fadeev, T.H. Al-Attar, E.O. Stetsik, A.Y. Ulyanov, Y.S. Savashinsky,
O.A. Kirichenko, L.M. Rodygin
Long-term results of radical surgery treatment of patients with bladder cancer
№3 / 2021
M.Yu. Gvozdev, O.A. Arefyeva, M.D. Dzhuraeva
Сlinical case: enterocele after radical cystectomy with heterotopic bladder plastic surgery
№2 / 2021
A.A. Proskokov, S.P. Darenkov, A.A. Agabekian, A.D. Trofimchuk
Current trends in the method used for urine derivation after radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer
№6 / 2019
S.V. Kotov, A.L. Khachatryan, D.P. Kotova, R.I. Guspanov, E.A. Bezrukov, A.O. Prostomolotov, A.К. Nosov, S.A. Reva, D.V. Semeno, V.N. Pavlov, A.A. Izmailov, A.C. Deneyko
Analysis of the results of ERAS protocol in real-life clinical practice AFTER radical cystectomy (the first prospective multicenter study in Russia)
№6 / 2019
S.V. Popov, O.N. Skryabin, I.N. Orlov, M.M. Suleymanov, A. Kryshevskaya, V.M. Obidnyak
Comparative analysis of results in laparoscopic radical cystectomy with extracorporeal and intracorporeal neobladder formation
№1 / 2019
T.N. Musayev, F.A. Guliev
Intraoperative complications of radical cystectomy with various types of urinary diver- sions
№4 / 2018
V.N. Pavlov, A.M. Pushkarev, Ya.V. Kondratenko, R.I. Safiullin, A.V. Alekseev
Markers of kidney damage and nephroprotective therapy in radical cystectomy
№5 / 2015
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