Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Tevlin K.P., Tevlina E.V., Khanaliev B.V., Sudilovskaya V.V., Gankovskaya L.V., Nasaeva E.D., Khasanova E.M.
New Prospects for Conservative Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Cystitis in Women: Experience with the Drug Superlymph®
№4 / 2024
Goncharov I.D., Ibishev Kh.S., Alkhashash A.M.S., Goncharova K.A., Vasiliev O.N.
Leukoplakia of the bladder: review of publications from 2018 to 2023.
№2 / 2024
E.A. Alekseeva, M.A. Firsov, N.A. Malinovskaya, A.B. Salmina, V.V. Salmin
Plasma acid reproduces oxidative and nitrosative stress in bladder tissue in vitro: experimental study
№6 / 2022

Бионика Медиа