Experience of using fosfomycin for the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in women in postpartum period

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2019.5.27-30

M.M. Kutluev, R.I. Safiullin

1) Clinical Hospital Ufa “Mother & Child”, Surgical department, Ufa, Russia; 2) Bashkir State Medical University, Department of Urology, Ufa, Russia
Aim. To determine whether fosfomycin can be used in treatment of women with acute uncomplicated cystitis in the postpartum period.
Materials and methods. The results of treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in 51 patients in the postpartum period were retrospectively evaluated. All patients received a single dose 3 g of fosfomycin.
Results. In order to determine clinical efficiency, in all cases laboratory tests were performed prior to and 3 days after treatment. A degree of pain syndrome, the number of voids and urgent episodes were also evaluated. Urine culture was studied before and 7 days after taking fosfomycin. There was a decrease in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in urine, number of voids, including urgent episodes. A normalization of urine flora after a single dose of the fosfomycin was noted.
Discussion. In our research in the repeated analysis of urine culture, the number of bacteria was lower than 104 in all cases, and there was also decrease in the number of voids and intensity of pain syndrome.
Conclusion. The treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in women in the early postpartum period has its own characteristics. A single dose of fosfomycin allows to avoid long-term use of the antibiotic and to continue breastfeeding, which is required for the treatment of this disease in lactating women.
One of the medicine used in AAC is Fosfomycin Esparma, which has a high safety profile. The use of high-quality antibacterial therapy in these patients to give possibility to avoid complications.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.M. Kutluev – Ph.D.; Urologist at the Surgical Department of Clinical Hospital Ufa “Mother & Child”, Ufa, Russia; e-mail: marrat@rambler.ru

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