Urological complications of N.A. Nekrasov’s disease

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.1.128-132

M.I. Davidov

E. A. Vagner Perm State Medical University of MH RF, Perm, Russia
Object: to study the medical history of N.A. Nekrasov and to determine the nature of his urological disease.
The work was carried out from 1977 till 2021. He studied 2616 sources related to the biography of N.A. Nekrasov and medical history. The work was carried out in the archives of Moscow, St.Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Karabikha from 1998 till 2020.
The Russian poet N.A.Nekrasov had an illness, which ended in death, during 3 years, from December 1874 till December 27, 1877. He was treated by famous doctors S.P. Botkin, N.V. Sklifosovsky, E.I. Bogdanovsky, N.A. Belogolovy and an operation was performed by Theodore Bilroth. Retrospective analysis revealed the following diagnosis of N.A. Nekrasov: rectal cancer at the stage of T4NXMOP4 with invasion of the sacrum, bladder and compression of the pelvic parts of both ureters, bilateral ureterohydronephrosis with the loss of the left kidney function, chronic renal failure, purulent cystitis, partial intestinal obstruction, suppuration of the wound after colostomy performed on April 12, 1877, Acute purulent paraproctitis, paranephritis, phlegmon of the left retroperitoneal space, purulent effusion to the thigh, phlegmon of the buttock area and the left thigh, sepsis, cerebral stroke.
Urological complications of the rectal cancer accelerated the lethal outcome of the poet N.A. Nekrasov who died of sepsis and uremia.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.I. Davidov – Urologist of the Highest Category, PhD in Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Faculty Surgery and Urology, Perm State Medical University. E.A. Wagner, Perm, Russia; e-mail: midavidov@mail.ru

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