Urodynamic disorders in a patient with sacral agenesis

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.3.119-123

S.S. Nikitin, N.B. Guseva

1) Children’s Republican Hospital named after I.N. Grigovich, Petrozavodsk, Russia; 2) Petrozavodsk State University, Medical Institute, Petrozavodsk, Russia; 3) Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after G. N. Speransky, Moscow, Russia; 4) Institute of clinical pediatric surgery named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia; 5) Center of Child Psychoneurology, Moscow, Russia
Sacral agenesis is a rare anomaly with a frequency of up to 1:100 thousand newborns. This malformation can be either unique or combined with abnormalities of other organs and systems. With agenesis of the sacrum of types 1–3 according to T. Renshaw, a sufficiently satisfactory connection of the spine with the pelvis is revealed, which allows the patient to verticalize and move. In addition to the orthopedic component of the anomaly, in patients, violations of the function of the pelvic organs – the bladder and the evacuation function of the colon-come to the fore.
The authors of the article describe a clinical observation – a 4-year-old patient, the results of a urodynamic examination against the background of therapy with a combination of M-holinoblokator and alpha-adrenoblokator. The possibilities of correcting the function of the bladder-restoration of capacity and reduction of detrusor hypertension against the background of the therapy are shown.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: S.S. Nikitin – Dr.Med.Sci., professor of the department of pediatrics and pediatric surgery Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russia; ssnikitin@yandex.ru

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