Adverse events after discontinuation of testosterone preparationsя, used for non-medical purposes


V.A. Sharbabchiev, Kh.S. Ibishev, N.I. Volkova, Z.R. Gusova, M.I. Kogan

1) Federal State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; 2) GBUZ SK «Shpakovskaya RB», Mikhailovsk Stavropol Krai, Russia
The review is devoted to the study of modern aspects of the use of testosterone preparations for non-medical purposes. The search was conducted using Medline, PubMed, and EMBASE databases. Data from a literature search indicate that the use of PT for non-medical purposes is an urgent problem of modern urology, affecting the interests of many specialties, since against the background or after the abolition of unjustified use of testosterone drugs in healthy men, undesirable effects are recorded not only in the urinary tract and reproductive organs, but also other organs and systems.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Kh.S. Ibishev – doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of urology and human reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology-andrology at the Federal State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:

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