Found: 10 articles

Article Edition
Pavlov V.N., Kazikhinurov R.A., Kazikhinurov A.A., Guspanov R.I., Shamsov B.I.,Vardikian A.G., Kazikhinurov R.R.
Regnerative technologies in reconstructive operations on the urethra: a review. Part 2
№6 / 2023
V.N. Pavlov, R.A. Kazikhinurov, A.A. Kazikhinurov, R.I. Guspanov, B.I. Shamsov, A.G. Vardikian, R.R. Kazikhinurov
Regnerative technologies in reconstructive operations on the urethra: a review. Part 1
№5 / 2023
V.L. Medvedev, A.M. Opolskiy, N.A.Gorban, M.I. Kogan
Morphological analysis of the structure of parafistulous tissues in patients with vesicovaginal fistulas by the local interstitial application of platelet-rich plasma
№1 / 2021
M.V. Epifanova, M.E. Chalyi, B.R. Gvasaliya, I.I. Eremin, A.A. Pulin, I.I. Nadelyaeva, S.A. Artemenko, D.A. Galitskaya, A.M. Repin
New approaches for recovery of erectile function in patients after radical prostatectomy
№6 / 2017
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.V. Olefir, Yu.G. Alyaev, D.V. Butnaru, E.A. Bezrukov, A.A. Chaplenko, T.M. Zharikova
Using cell technologies to treat urologic diseases
№3 / 2016
M.E. Chaliy, P.V. Glybochko, M.V. Epifanova, A.O. Krasnov
Prospects for application of stem cells from adipose tissue in treating erectile dysfunction
№6 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, A.B. Shekhter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Aboyants, A.V. Lyundup, M.E. Krasheninnikov, A.E. Guller, D.V. Butnaru, L.V. Marisov, D.F. Kantimerov, A.V. Kurkov, E.I. Safronova, E.A. Vorob’eva, M.M. Iritsyan
PLGA mesh-collagen hybrid scaffold and tissue-engineered product in substitution urethroplasty: experimental validation
№6 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Ju.G. Aljaev, A.Z. Vinarov, D.V. Butnaru, A.S. Titov, E.E. Bibikova, S.I. Sevost'janova
Ureteral tissue engineering: challenges and prospects
№3 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Ju.G. Aljaev, V.N. Nikolenko, A.B. Shehter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Abojanc, A.V. Ljundup, M.I. Danilevskij, A.E. Guller, P.A. Elistratov, D.V. Butnaru, D.F. Kantimerov, G.A. Mashin, A.S. Titov, A.V. Proskura, K.V. Kudrichevskaja
Tissue-engineered substitution urethroplasty based on decellularized vascular matrix and autologous cells of the buccal mucosa: the first experience
№3 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, V.N. Nikolenko, A.B. Shekhter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Aboyants, A.B. Lyundup, M.I. Danilevsky, A.E. Guller, P.A. Elistratov, D.V. Butnaru, D.F. Kantimerov, G.A. Mashin, A.S. Titov, A.V. Proskura, K.V. Kudrichevskaya
Experimental validation of the developing a matrix based on decellularized vascular wall for subsequent substitution urethrop- lasty
№6 / 2014

Бионика Медиа