Efficacy of Sildenafil oral spray for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2023.4.46-52

D.G. Koren’kov, D.V. Tumanov, N.I. Kuprinа

1) FGBOU VO North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 2) Clinic “Medexpert”, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 3) Network of Clinics “Medica”, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 4) North-West Public Health Research Center, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Aim. To evaluate the results of using Sildenafil in the form of an oral spray (Gent) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and prediabetes.
Material and methods. A total of 60 patients were divided into two groups of 30 people. The group 1 included patients with prediabetes, while group 2 consisted of patients with type 2 DM. All men had proven ED. The severity of ED was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). To assess the state of penile blood flow, all patients underwent Doppler ultrasound before and after treatment. Patients with prediabetes used Sildenafil in the form of oral spray (Gent) 25 mg (2 doses) 1 time per day for 1 month, patients with type 2 diabetes received 50 mg (4 injections) every other day for 1 month. In addition, most of the subjects took metformin and followed diet therapy.
Results. In patients of both groups, the administration of Sildenafil oral spray led to a decrease in body weight, waist circumference, a decrease in insulin and Hemoglobin A1C level without changing of hypoglycemic therapy in those with type 2 DM. In men with prediabetes, a decrease in fasting insulin levels was found. During treatment, half of the persons with impaired glucose metabolism had an increase in the testosterone level. According to IIEF-5, a decrease in the severity of ED in both groups of patients was seen. In men with prediabetes, the average IIEF-5 score increased from 15.98 to 21.57 points (p<0.05), while in patients with type 2 DM it improved from 12.18 to 18.44 points (p<0.05). Doppler ultrasound indicated a significant increase in the maximum systolic blood flow velocity and arterial resistivity index after treatment with Sildenafil oral spray in patients with both prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Conclusion. Sildenafil oral spray can be effectively used for the treatment of ED in men with type 2 DM and prediabetes.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: D.G. Koren’kov – Ph.D., MD, Professor of the Department of Urology of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: dkoren@mail.ru.

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