Acute iliopsoitis: etiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis and treatment of paranephritis


Davidov M.I.

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia
Acute iliopsoas tendinitis (inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle) it is a rare and poorly studied disease. The author, who has his own experience in treating 29 patients with iliopsoas tendinitis (the largest material in Europe) with a mortality rate of 3.4%, analyzed the literature for the last 50 years and presented a review based on 60 literature sources (the experience of surgeons and urologists from Europe, America, Asia, Africa). We have investigated the clinical manifestations, diagnostics and treatment of acute iliopsoitis and determined the main distinct features in comparison to purulent paranephritis. The most typical symptoms of the iliopsoas tendinitis are pain in ilio-inguinal area, lameness, continuous fever, tenderness and palpable infiltrate in the area of the iliac-psoas muscles and psoas-symptom. The most accurate methods in the differential diagnosis with paranephritis are ultrasound, CT and MRI. This study is of importance for practical healthcare, since the differences between the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of iliopsoas tendinitis and paranephritis are discussed.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.I. Davidov – Ph.D., associate professor, Chief in the Department of Surgery № 1 and Urology of E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Chief of Perm Regional Urologic Society, Urologist of the highest category, Perm, Russia; е-mail:

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