Lichenus sclerotica as a cause of phimosis


Neymark A.I., Kartashov S.S., Neymark B.A., Nozdrachev N.A., Borisenko D.V., Razdorskaya M.V., Larionova A.N.

1) Department of Urology and Andrology with a course of Specialized Surgery of Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia; 2) NUZ KB “RJD-Medicine”, Barnaul, Russia
A clinical case of sclerotic lichen of the foreskin, leading to phimosis, is presented in the article. To solve the problem, the authors performed circumcision, carried out a pathological study of the specimen with subsequent determination of further treatment tactics.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: S.S. Kartashov – urologist at the Department of Urology of NUZ KB “RJD-Medicine”, Barnaul, Russia; e-mail:

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