P.V. Glybochko, S.N. Alekseenko, E.A. Gubareva, E.V. Kuevda, A.A. Basov, A.S. Sotnichenko, S.S. Dzhimak, I.S. Gumenyuk, I.Kh. Egiev, V.N. Chechelyan, R.Z. Nakokhov, O.M. Lyasota, Yu.V. Teterin
Experimental development and rationale for a renal decellularization protocol with subsequent comprehensive assessment of the biological scaffold
5-13 |
V.B. Filimonov, R.V. Vasin, I.V. Vasina, A.D. Kaprin, A.A. Kostin
Female genital prolapse surgery using ultra lightweight polypropylene mesh
14-23 |
G.V. Pavlyashik, A.Yu. Zharikov, V.I. Kiselev
Comparative estimation of antilithogenic activity of porcine kidney derived biomedical substance and sodium citrate in experimental urolithiasis
24-27 |
A.G. Martov, D.V. Ergakov, A.S. Andronov, S.V. Dutov, R.A. Takhaev, Z.I. Kil'chukov, S.A. Moskalenko
Solitary stones of the lower renal calyx: how to treat?
28-35 |
V.A. Malkhasyan, P.I. Rasner, A.R. Gevorkyan, I.V. Semenyakin, A.V. Tedeev, D.Yu. Pushkar
Analysis of factors affecting the compliance with medical therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia
36-41 |
M.E. Sitdykova, D.E. Tsyplakov, E.N. Sitdykov, A.R. Nurtdinov
Rationale of pharmacotherapy duration in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (a clinical-morphological study)
42-47 |
B.K. Komyakov, V.A. Ochelenko, M.V. Onoshko, T. Kh. Al-Attar, A. Kh. Gaziev
Technical features of intestinal ureteroplasty. Part 7: forming ureterointestinal anastomoses
48-53 |
A.I. Neimark, Yu.G. Samchuk, M.Ya. Gatkin, A.P. Momot
Cryopresipitate in comprehensive conservative therapy of patients with acute purulent pyelonephritis
54-59 |
A.V. Kuz’menko, V.V. Kuz’menko, T.A. Gyaurgiev
Chronobiological approach to managing an exacerbation of chronic recurrent bacterial cystite
60-65 |
A.G. Cherednichenko, E.V. Kulchavenya
Characterization of microbial flora in patients suspected of having urogenital tuberculosis
66-70 |
A.V. Sin'kov, I.N. Volosatova, G.M. Sin'kova, L.A. Nikolaeva
Prevalence and risk factors for nephrolithiasis among young rural residents
71-75 |
O.A. Sevost’yanova, V.S. Boshchenko, V.K. Osadchii, V.P. Parnachev, A.K. Polienko
The study of mineral composition and structure of uroliths in the residents of Tomsk district (Tomsk)
76-81 |
S.I. Gamidov, M.G. Shneiderman, D.Yu. Pushkar, A.O. Vasil'ev, A.V. Govorov, R.I. Ovchinnikov, A.Yu. Popova, R.D. Dusmukhamedov
Results of urethral reconstruction in adults after multiple hypospadias repairs
82-87 |
Sh.N. Galimov, R.M. Akhmetov, E.F. Galimova, F.M. Bairamgulov, L.R. Bikkulova
Molecular aspects of the impact of the Speroton complex on the male fertility in idiopathic infertility
88-92 |
I.M. Madaeva, O.N. Berdina, N.V. Semenova, V.V. Madaev, I.N. Gutnik, L.I. Kolesnikova
Impact of CPAP therapy on erectile function during sleep and testosterone level in men with sleep apnea syndrome
93-99 |
E.B. Khakkulov, Zh.U. Khusankhodzhaev
Multispiral computer tomography in differential diagnosis of congenital uretheroidhydronefrosis in children
100-104 |
G.G. Krivoborodov, N.S. Efremov, A.D. Bolotov
Intravesical prostatic protrusion in diagnosing infravesical obstruction in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia
105-109 |
Yu.Yu. Vinnik, A.V. Andreichikov, N.Yu. Klimov
Contemporary concept of the diagnosis of prostate cancer
110-115 |
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.V. Olefir, Yu.G. Alyaev, D.V. Butnaru, E.A. Bezrukov, A.A. Chaplenko, T.M. Zharikova
Using of cell biocomposite material in tissue engineering of the urinary bladder
116-121 |
M.B. Pryanichnikova, O.V. Zhurkina
Rehabilitation of patients with complicated forms of urethral obliterations
122-125 |
Yurii Gennad'evich Alyaev (to the 75th anniversary)
126-127 |
Victor Vasil’evich Krasulin (to the 85th anniversary)
128 |
Mikhail Iosifovich Kogan (to the 70th anniversary)
128-129 |
Valeriy Viktorovich Dutov (to the 65th anniversary)
130 |
In Memory of Professor F.A. Klepikov (to the 100th anniversary)
131-132 |